Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Quinoa: the hipster superfood grain with health benefits

Quinoa (pronounced Keen-wah) is a highly nutritious gluten-free grain. This ancient grain contains more protein than any other grain available, with a good balance of all 8 essential amino acids, making it a good viable choice for vegetarians. Quinoa is also high in fibre and is really low-GI, making it beneficial for keeping blood sugar levels stable.

I was first sceptical when hearing about this superfood ‘quinoa’ and its amazing beneficial properties. But after careful assessment, we think it deserves its title. Did you know that 1 cup of quinoa will give you around 127 calories, 2 grams of fat, 23.4 grams of carbohydrates (2 of those being fibre), and 4.5 grams of protein. It has a pretty similar nutritional profile to that of brown rice, except it’s slightly higher in overall protein content. If you're looking for a highly nutritious carbohydrate, that’s not only going to help you stay lean, but will also maximize your energy levels, then you’re looking in the right place… quinoa really does have it all! 

3 main health benefits of quinoa:

1. Complete source of protein (provides the full spectrum of nine essential amino acids
2. Great for cardiovascular health (it’s exceptionally high in magnesium
3. Provides antioxidant support (can help ward off the damaging effects of free radicals)

How to cook:

Cooking quinoa is similar to cooking rice, or couscous.

 1. Soak 1 cup quinoa in 2 cups water for 5-10 minutes (to dissolve any remaining bitter coating)
2. Drain and rinse
3. Pour into a pot and add 1.5 cups of water and half a teaspoon of salt
4. Boil, then cover with a tight-fitting lid
5. Simmer for 15 minutes
6. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes, covered
7. Fluff with a fork and serve

Quinoa can be served on its own as a side dish, with a bit of butter or coconut oil, salt and pepper, or other seasonings. It also makes a great breakfast dish mixed with dried fruit, cinnamon, milk and maple syrup or honey. Paired with chilli, stir fry or curry, quinoa can be a healthy substitute for rice! It is delicious tossed through a cold salad, or hot served with a stir-fry, stew or casserole. Also try adding it to soups, frittatas, or veggie patties. Can also be used for baking gluten-free cakes, muffins, cookies, pancakes or bread.

You can find quinoa in the health food section of supermarkets or from health food stores and costs under $10.00 for a 500g packet. 

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