Thursday, August 5, 2010

;The Modern Feminist

Us women have all done what we can to show that women can be proud and true and that they can do anything a man can - even pee standing up, although we're happy to admit men do that a lot better. Yes, life would be so, so much easier if women could pee standing up. Sadly, we just don’t have the equipment required. We’ve often pondered the benefits at times like lining up for porta' loos at music festivals or making friends while waiting to use the facilities at international airports. The queues at the loos would halve and heck, in moments of sheer desperation, we could even go behind a tree. Some clever souls have toyed with the idea and the "She Pee" was invented, but the reality is that we just weren’t designed for vertical urination. While equal pay is something we can work toward, equal pee just isn’t. Gentlemen, you win this round.

But we're flirty. Yes, we enjoy trying to impress men... although we'd like to think our charms include our endurance and intelligence as much as our pulsating dance moves. We love lipstick, stilettos and gossip, too. Does that make us traitors to our fair sex? Post-feminist? Or feminist in a modern age where we're trying to establish our position in society not a first, but a second time around?

There are many perks that came with being female. For example, we can go entire weekends without paying for a drink, cry during soppy movies (we saw you tearing up during The Notebook) and there is an unwritten law that, when it came to dating, men should do the approaching, the calling, the driving around, and the asking out. How things have changed. Yup, there has never been a better time to be a man than now. You get to be sensitive. Express your emotions. You don’t have to pay for dates or ask girls out. There are also many other manly advantages we ladies would be happy to have -- but we don’t, for no other reason than not having a…

But at the end of the day, my darlings, you're the captain of your own life - so never give up the ship to ANY sailor... no matter how cute he may be! xx

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